Distance Degrees, Digital Technologies and Pandemic: Reports of Teaching Practices





Teacher training, Teaching practice, digital technologies


The present work proposes to highlight the results of the doctoral research “Reflections of teacher training – use of digital technologies in professional practice”, completed in 2022, under the Public Policies and Human Training program (PPFH-UERJ). The investigation seeks as a central focus to identify whether undergraduate courses - offered at a distance - train teachers who promote a differentiated use of technological resources in professional practice due to the methodology they chose to study - with special emphasis on the context of the pandemic. In addition to what they learned along the training trajectory, the objective is to understand the meaning of the experience lived during the pandemic context through the expression of the teachers themselves. As a methodological approach, it was decided to carry out descriptive research with a quantitative and qualitative nature, combining two methods – semi-structured interview (aimed at a micro group) and a questionnaire (aimed at a macro group). The analysis of the results showed, among other points, a training - including during the pandemic period - that is more out of curiosity and the educator's own efforts than the experience lived at the time of formal training. Among the main theoretical references, Masetto (2018), Gatti (2016) and Kenski (2016) stood out throughout the work to address teacher training;and Santos (2019) when discussing the context of online education and teaching as phenomena of cyberculture.


Keywords: Teacher training. Teaching practice. digital technologies.


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Author Biography

Clarisse de Mendonça e Almeida, Universidade Estadual do Rio de janeiro

Doutoranda em Políticas Públicas e Formação Humana, mestre em Educação. Designer Instrucional, pesquisadora, tutora, conteudista e docente.


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How to Cite

Almeida, C. de M. e. (2023). Distance Degrees, Digital Technologies and Pandemic: Reports of Teaching Practices. EaD Em Foco, 12(3), e1932. https://doi.org/10.18264/eadf.v12i3.1932

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