Democratization of access to Higher Education: Distance Education at Unipampa
Distance education, Open University of Brazil, Graduation, Technology in educationAbstract
The 21st Century is marked by the digital era of knowledge, where Digital Information and Communication Technologies are present in our daily lives and change the way we relate and interact with the world, including in the area of education. However, despite the facilities and advantages that technology offers, it also increases social inequalities. The incorporation of Digital Information and Communication Technologies in education has brought about changes, including in the teaching and learning processes, where the use of technology points to new learning alternatives such as Distance Education (EaD). The present study aims to analyze the development of public policy at the Universidade Aberta do Brasil at the higher level, based on the evolution of distance learning undergraduate courses at the Federal University of Pampa, since its implementation. It uses the methodology of bibliographic review and documentary research with the institution's Distance Education Division. The main results show that this type of teaching is advancing at the Federal University of Pampa and expanding into the state of Rio Grande do Sul, through partnerships with centers belonging to the Open University of Brazil. It is noteworthy that the focus of the courses is teacher training. Furthermore, there is a reduction in the number of students enrolled in all distance learning courses at the Universidade Aberta do Brasil in the period analyzed.
Keywords: Distance education. Technology in education. Graduation. Open University of Brazil.
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