Online Collaborative Construction of Biology and Science Teaching Proposals: Levels of Collaboration and Impacts of Mediation
Online discussion forums, Collaborative learning, Knowledge construction, MediationAbstract
In the last century, Collaborative Learning with Computer Support (CSCL) presents itself as the new basis of learning sciences. It seeks to clarify how learning within groups can promote, through technology, the interaction and collaboration of participants, through knowledge exchange. We took Murphy's research as a theoretical reference to verify the collaboration between Science and Biology teachers to construct teaching proposals. The objective was to evaluate different pedagogical strategies in the forums for the collaborative construction of teaching proposals by teachers in initial and continuing training, triangulating with the collaboration categories in two forums of two online refresher courses offered by the CECIERJ Foundation extension. Content analysis was carried out to verify these categories and then correlated with the factor whether or not there was mediation. A total of 137 course participants divided into twelve groups were involved in the research. The number of collaborations and the percentages of the categories that occurred in the forums in both courses were counted. During the study, it was found that forums made up of small groups were effective in building shared objectives and artifacts, thus reaching the most advanced levels of collaborative knowledge construction. The activity with a more closed and complex strategy, developed in Forum 2 of the courses (with and without mediation) was where the collaboration categories diversified the most and presented the greatest results. The proposal to work with small groups (around 10 participants) presented itself as an important alternative for deeper and more meaningful collaborative constructions of teaching and knowledge proposals.
Keywords: Online discussion forums. Collaborative learning. Knowledge construction. Mediation.
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