Trends in Moodle Learning Analytics: a Systematic Review
Learning Analytics, Moodle, Análise de dadosAbstract
Learning Analytics is the field of study that uses analytical methods and information technology to collect, analyze and interpret data related to the learning process. The relationship between Learning Analytics and Moodle is quite significant. Through Moodle, it is possible to collect a large amount of data about student engagement, performance, interactions, and other relevant aspects. Therefore, this paper presents the results of a Systematic Literature Review (SLR), which analyzed 24 articles selected from Abed, IEEE, SBC, ScienceDirect, SCOPUS and SpringerLink databases. The results showed that dropout analysis, performance, personalization, self-regulation and course completion are the main areas of research, highlighting the frequent use of data in Moodle for pattern discovery and predictions. Highlighting the potential to improve academic performance, reduce dropout, personalize instruction, improve interaction and increase student engagement.
Keywords: Learning Analytics. Moodle. Systematic Review.
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