Perception on Collaboration in a Virtual Learning Environment of Biology Teacher's in a Continuing Education Program
This paper aims to discuss the perception of teachers/course participants, about didactic design (support material, methodology, proposed activities) and the interfaces in the virtual learning environment - VLE, and its relevance in continuing education for teaching biology education in basic education. The VLE was built from an interactive didactic design perspective and from the technological and pedagogical knowledge of the content (TPCK). A questionnaire containing mixed questions (open and closed) was applied at the end of the teacher update course called "Transmission of Life", offered by the CECIERJ Foundation, with the objective of collecting information about previous experiences and the profile of the course participants and their perceptions about the VLE used by the course. It was observed from the perspective of the course participants, in their responses to the questionnaire, that the course offers a proposal for socio-constructivist work, combined with interfaces of interaction and collaboration (forum and peer review activity), which allows the real collective construction of knowledge. The interactive learning situations developed in the course favor collaboration and the collective construction of knowledge, in addition to stimulating conceptual, procedural and attitudinal changes according to the course teacher's view.
Keywords: Continuing education. VLE. Forum. Collective constructionDownloads
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