Technology Integration Tools for Teaching Plans of Sciences
The use of the internet and its tools in teaching and learning is a universe that is still little explored by teachers. Part of this reality comes from the difficulty in using internet tools in order to achieve the pedagogical goals outlined for educational units. The theoretical framework Pedagogical Technological Knowledge of Content (Technological, Pedagogical, Content, Knowledge - TPACK) identifies the teacher's knowledge bases and their relationships, but the application of this concept in science education is still little explored in Brazil. The objective of this work is to introduce two tools in the Brazilian scenario. The first of these is the taxonomy "Types of Learning Activities (TAA) of Science" developed to assist teachers in the integration of technologies in a teaching plan based on the principles of TPACK. Another instrument presented in this article is the assessment rubric for technological integration in teaching plans. The tools were translated and adapted for the Brazilian scenario with the help of experienced Science teachers and come to help teachers in training, in-service and/or educational managers to work on the integration of educational technologies in teaching plans in the light of the TPACK theoretical framework. Systemic use of the tools can allow comparison with other school systems.
Keywords: Teacher training. Science teaching. TPACK. TIC.
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