Development of a Website about Information and Communication Technologies in Health
Technology, Health, Information technology, Health technologiesAbstract
The study aimed to describe the process of building the website “Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação na área da saúde”. Methodological study, of technological production, carried out from June 2022 to May 2023, at the Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de Santa Catarina, with its workers, based on the application of an electronic questionnaire. The methodological path followed steps based on the Double Diamante and ADDIE methods: discovery; design; development and implementation. Data from the questionnaires were analyzed descriptively, with calculation of relative and absolute frequency. The scope of the website was developed according to the notes found in the literature and with greater emphasis on the needs presented by the target audience based on the questionnaires. The website was called TICSaúde, containing four pages. The website is available to the entire community, for use on desktop or mobile devices, as long as there is an internet connection. The Home Page presents a slideshow with information about the site. The About page provides a brief presentation and importance of the website. The Technologies page contains, in the format of a blog, ten texts about information and communication technologies; and the More page provides a brief description of other technologies in glossary format. Resources such as texts, images, videos, hyperlinks were used. The TICSaúde website offers a means of facilitating and qualifying the mutual integration of health with technologies, enabling the improvement of education, management and health care practices.
Keywords: Technology. Health. Information technology. Health technologies.
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