Pedagogical Mediation in Online Classes in the 1st Year of Elementary School




Teaching, Pedagogical Mediation, Digital Technologies


 This study presents the use of cell phones as a didactic-pedagogical resource at school. It is set against the background of the COVID-19, 2021 coronavirus pandemic, where teachers challenged themselves in online classes through instant messaging applications, highlighting the use of WhatsApp. From the use of the application, it was sought to develop pedagogical practices to reestablish the teacher-student relationship, which had become impossible with the social isolation and the school closures. With online classes, it lacked pedagogical mediation. In this context, this qualitative research was built with the objective of investigating how the pedagogical mediation occurred in online classes developed using the WhatsApp application. The study was carried out with a 1st grade class in a municipal school in Santana, Amapá. To collect information, a semi-structured interview was conducted with the teacher and a systematized observation of the remote classes, in August and September 2021, via the group of the class on WhatsApp. With the students, a Conversation Circle was held. In the findings, it was verified that the student needs a family companion in the remote classes to help him in the activities proposed by the teacher, otherwise the educational goals may not be reached; the pedagogical mediation proved to be unsatisfactory in teaching practices in the 1st grade of elementary school, given the diverse conditions of both the teacher and the students. However, we conclude that there are possibilities for the use of WhatsApp in the 1st Year of Elementary School to favor the development of new teaching strategies, contributing to the teaching and expansion of the classroom.


Keywords: Teaching. Pedagogical practices. Digital technologies. WhatsApp. Pedagogical mediation.


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How to Cite

Negrão, M. M. S., & Neuenfeldt, D. J. (2023). Pedagogical Mediation in Online Classes in the 1st Year of Elementary School. EaD Em Foco, 12(3), e1895.