Remote Learning: an Overview of the Use of Digital Technologies from Private Universities Undergraduate Students'Perspective
With the current scenario determining the streamlined implementation of
on-line education, the effective use of digital technologies emerges as an
alternative to face-to-face teaching practices. In this context, this work aims to
analyze the perspectives of students regarding remote classes, how they use of
digital technologies and the impacts of this use in their learning process and
knowledge appropriation. For this, a group of 34 undergraduate students from
private universities in Rio de Janeiro was investigated, using a quali-quantitative
methodological approach. Data collection took place through the application
of an on-line questionnaire. As a result of the analysis of the data collected, it
was possible to draw an overview of what has been happening from this new
educational contingency, showing that some of the demands were (im)posed on
teachers abruptly and without prior training.
Keywords: Digital technologies. Remote teaching. Technological education.
Keywords: Digital technologies. Remote teaching. Technological education.
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