Augmented Reality and Interdisciplinarity: the Use of LandscapAR Application in the Teaching of Mathematics and Geography
This article is guided by the results of a research that sought to reflect on a didactic action. The methodology used is deployed by means of qualitative research, in the perspective of a case study, with a class in the public school of the Paraná state, where all individuals are high school students and belonging to a generation Z, which the general objective of the research was to verify if abstractions occurred and if cognitive appropriations were legitimized, in an interdisciplinary case of geography and mathematics, using the application LandscapAR. The results pointed to a more participatory learning process of the students in the interaction with this augmented reality application, and, in the same measure, they appropriated the intended concepts.
Keywords: Geography teaching. Mathematics education. Media literacy. Augmented reality. LandscapAR.
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