ADDIEM – Process for Creating MOOC Courses




This article presents a model for the creation of MOOC courses, based on the ADDIE model, which adapts to the specificities of two MOOCs and the institution's conceptions, obtained or the ADDIEM model. In each stage, the objectives and artifacts generated are presented, as well as the models that support them. The process and its document models were evaluated by a commission and by teaching professionals. After adjustments, ADDIEM was then validated, subsequently, evaluated by teachers who used it to prepare courses. Results indicate that the model was well accepted and that it effectively supports teachers in the construction process. Although designed in the context of a institution, it can be used or adapted for other ones.

Keywords: MOOC. ADDIEM. Course creation model.


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How to Cite

Battestin, V., & Santos, P. . (2022). ADDIEM – Process for Creating MOOC Courses. EaD Em Foco, 12(1).



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