Análise da viabilidade de implementação de ferramenta educomunicativa para formação continuada em Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis
Visual media, Digital knowledge, Continuing education, Digital inclusionAbstract
Abstract. Educommunication can be a strategy for health promotion by communicating, informing, and updating health professionals. From this perspective, the general objective of the study is to recognize the profile of those enrolled in the Continuing Education in Sexually Transmitted Infections and Combined Prevention, called "InformaAção," for the implementation of an educommunicative tool. The research was characterized as a qualitative cross-sectional study, evaluating a structured and virtual data collection instrument for health professionals, students, and those interested in the subject. Among the 120 subscribers, 86.7% are female, with the age groups between 20 and 44 years old being the most representative. Health professionals accounted for 55.8%, students 40%, and professionals from other areas 4.2% of those enrolled; 99.2% have access to the internet and consider learning possible exclusively through Information and Communication Technologies (94.2%), and 86.7% have already participated in training courses on digital platforms and 46.6% of those enrolled have already carried out training in the area of Sexually Transmitted Infections. Combined prevention was the highest vulnerability listed about guidance, and the main demands for training were an immunological window, counseling, post-test guidance, and integrated prevention. In this way, we consider that continuing education for health professionals, in practice or training can be a strategy to qualify this public to provide equitable health care and universal access, and the implementation of educommunicative tools can be allied as a model distance learning to carry out continuing education in health.
Keywords: Visual media. Digital inclusion. Continuing education. Digital knowledge.
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