The Support of Some Technologies in the Review of Physics Concepts 1
The article presents the theoretical contributions that guided a proposal for the use of some digital technologies (TD) in relation to the deficit of knowledge in basic Physics of students entering the Engineering courses at the Federal Technological University of Paraná. The retention rate in this discipline causes a problem called "pocket", characterized by a high number of students who need to retake the discipline and are on a waiting list. Thus, the (Re) course aimed at Physics was developed, on the Moodle platform, in order to contemplate the main contents that make up the previous knowledge of the discipline discipline of Physics 1. from the assumption of digital wisdom, it counted on the contributions of Connectivism and the principles of Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (TCAM) that are carefully examined and associated through conceptual maps. It was considered, therefore, that the use of these theories in synergy offers a theoretical basis that allows the teacher greater security in the development of his digital didactic resources.
Keywords:Physics teaching. Technological education. Initialteacher training.
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