2D Gamified Learning Object in Distance Learning as a Form of Social Inclusion for the Development of Professional Skills





This study is part of a larger research, carried out in a profestional master's degree in education and new technologies. From a focus of social and profestional inclusion of young people from 14 to 24 years old, it involved the construction of a 2D Gamified Learning Object (LO), as a complementary part of a profestional training program in the totally distance modality. The purpose of this object was to create more involvement, a sense of reality and engagement of these students in the profestional world. The planning and construction of this LO included the creation of learning situations that sought more real experiences, with content related to the profestional daily life, encompassing gamified mechanisms and immersive structures to promote the acquisition of competences, skills and attitudes necestary for these young people to work in the world. of work. At the same time that the apprentices carried out this profestional program at a distance, they already applied it immediately to their reality and were also evaluated, so that this OA could also be validated by 66 students. The theoretical support for this study was from the authors: Zichermann and Cunningham (2011); Wiley (2011); Behar (2013); Bates (2016), among others. The methodology of this research is based on a case study, which emphasized four important events: 1) the 2D learning design of an OA; 2) its integration with the educational program in the distance modality already established in SENAC-PR, 3) its evaluation by the apprentices; 4) and its validation. The results obtained after the completion of this program and the application of a questionnaire to the participants are adequate for the development of skills aimed at profestional work, as well as the elements of gamification involved in the activity, understood as an appropriate language, although with its limitations, to the public target group in question. The relevant aspect to highlight is inclusive education, with improved self-seem and engagement, reaching a good level of satisfaction in a context of great lack in the offer of face-to-face educational products, making Distance Education viable and necestary.

Keywords: Development of competences. Immersive environments. On-line education. Profestional education. Learning object.


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How to Cite

Stele, C. M. M., & Garcia, M. S. dos S. (2020). 2D Gamified Learning Object in Distance Learning as a Form of Social Inclusion for the Development of Professional Skills. EaD Em Foco, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.18264/eadf.v10i1.928



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