Physical Education at School and Digital Technologies: Experimenting an Interface
Physical education at school, Digital technologies, TeachingAbstract
This work aims to report the planning and teaching experience of a Physical Education class mediated by digital technologies involving students from 6th grade. This class is a part of a research-action held in a municipal public school from RS/BRA. Participants were listened to and decisions were made collectively with a view to seeking alternatives to the research problem that emerges from the statements of students who do not realize the potential of using digital technologies in Physical Education classes. It is a class built with the students and the teacher. The experimenting was based on the critic-emancipatory approach from Eleanor Kunz, who defends that Physical Education must have a place for students to create, interact, and build their own movement experiences, that is, to proportionate the “self-movement”. The usage of digital technologies enabled the access to knowledge about body practices (futsal, handball, volleyball, athletics and dance), however is also instigated the students towards a reflective and creative process. We perceived that is possible to stablish relations between Physical Education teaching and the usage of digital technologies and also maintain the essence of Physical Education, which is the “self-movement”. Therefore, we conclude that digital technologies enhanced collectivity, cooperation and body experimentation/creation, which amplified students’ knowledge about body culture and movement practices. Therefore, its use, in conjunction with the critic-emancipatory approach, transcends teaching focused on the reproduction of knowledge, enabling the construction of new knowledge, problematization and collective problem solving.
Keywords: Physical education at school. Digital technologies. Teaching.
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