How to Teach in Emergency Remote Teaching? MOOCs for the Continuing Education of Higher Education Teachers




The inability to delivery presential classes at Brazilian universities in 2020 and 2021, due to the COVID 19 pandemic, significantly impacted the higher education. This case report addresses the results of three massive online courses for continuing teacher education for higher education, offered in the state of Rio de Janeiro in 2020 to 4200 teachers. The courses aimed to reflect on the changes that have taken place in the didactic transposition of face-to-face classes to the virtual model, through emergency remote teaching use. The results shows high demand and engagement of teachers looking for courses about remote teaching practices and use of technological tools. Most of the course participants were higher education professors, teaching for more than 10 years, with postgraduate training. The teacher's perception regarding the impacts of this period on their teaching practice was that experiences in remote teaching will lead them, in the future, to use more technologies to support face-to-face teaching, despite recognizing that they don't know enough about all teaching practices and technologies . Most of the participants agrees that they are able to manifest their teacher cognitive presence during to use virtual learning environments. Indeed, holding of these courses in MOOC format supported teachers at a historical moment of high instrumental and pedagogical demands on the subject.

Keywords: Continuing education. Higher education. Remote learning. Online interaction.


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How to Cite

Turchielo, L. B., Salvador, D. F., & Vicente, R. T. (2022). How to Teach in Emergency Remote Teaching? MOOCs for the Continuing Education of Higher Education Teachers. EaD Em Foco, 12(1).



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