Pandemic Experiences in a Higher Education Institution in Northern Portugal - Lessons for the Present and the Future




This study aims to present the experience of a public university in the North of Portugal at the time of adapting to the scenario and the urgencies of the pandemic caused by the spread of the Covid-19 virus. Together with the articulation with relevant and recent theoretical references on the topic, the text brings experiences that are capable of reflection and learning for present and future moments. From the report presented here, a new perspective on the teaching performance that reverberates through the issue of continuing education for teaching is perceived. It should be noted that, when opting for the implementation of remote emergency teaching (HODGES ET AL, 2020), gaps were highlighted regarding the use and framing of resources from digital technologies along with educational processes.

Keywords: Digital technologies. Emergency remote teaching. Pandemic. Teacher training. Teaching performance.


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Author Biography

Clarisse de Mendonça e Almeida, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Doutoranda em Polí­ticas Públicas e Formação Humana pela UERJ, mestre em Educação. Designer Instrucional pela Fundação Cecierj. Pesquisadora, tutora, conteudista e docente.


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How to Cite

e Almeida, C. de M. (2021). Pandemic Experiences in a Higher Education Institution in Northern Portugal - Lessons for the Present and the Future. EaD Em Foco, 11(2).

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