The Barriers of Creativity for Higher Education Graduates Distance Learning and Classroom
Creativity is present in our daily lives. It excels in personal environments as
well as in school and professional settings. This article aims to verify if there are
barriers in the creativity of the graduates of higher education in the modalities of
distance education and face-to-face modality, pluricurricular. For this, a 7-point likert
scale questionnaire was applied to 283 graduates from higher education. The
theoretical basis on creativity and the individual, their barriers listed in four
constructs, inhibition / shyness; lack of time / opportunity; social repression; and lack
of motivation. The data were analyzed through correlation, obtaining a result of the
data analysis, the indication that both teachings correlate positively as the barriers to
the development of creativity for classroom teaching and distance learning. It should
be considered that distance learning still shows superior results, and it is possible to
find additional foundations and more explanations that are detailed on the subject.
Keywords: Creativity. University education. E-learning. On-campus teaching.
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