Graduation in Mathematics at a Distance & Digital Technologies: Perceptions of Graduates, Tutors and Teachers
This study aims to present and analyze the perceptions of graduates, tutors, and teachers of a Mathematics degree course on the use of digital technologies, as well as their importance in mathematics teaching. The methodology adopted was predominantly qualitative, through semi-structured interviews conducted with thirteen participants. Subsequently, the data produced was treated using the content analysis method. The main result is the participants' perception of the importance of digital technologies in their training, helping them to use it in educational practices. This perception was identified in this research since the graduates experienced in their training practices with digital technologies and use them to teach mathematics, especially the GeoGebra software. The conclusion is that, even with training supported by digital technologies, there is no guarantee that graduates will be using them as enhancers in the teaching and learning process.
Keywords: Digital technology. Mathematics degree at a distance. Teacher training.
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