The In(ex)troversion of Higher-level Students in Online Classes




Online classes, Webcam, Student behavior


The COVID-19 Pandemic has brought many new challenges in the context of higher education, such as replacing face-to-face classes with online classes. Thus, the present study sought to identify and analyze the characteristics of the level of student participation in synchronous online classes in the emergency remote teaching (ERE) model. Therefore, the result of a Survey with questions on a Likert scale, involving 1492 students from a Public University located in the South of Brazil, was analyzed. Among the methodological procedures adopted, factor analysis was used to identify dimensions related to student participation in online classes and cluster analysis. From there, through statistical tests, we sought to identify differences between respondents, based on gender, age and course area. It was found that students act in different ways, suggesting a heterogeneity based on the behavior characteristics of students in the face of the online teaching model. In this sense, it was found that, in general, there is a difference between a majority group of students who are more introverted, who prefer not to open the webcam and maintain low interaction during online classes, and a minority group, which is characterized as extroverted. , by acting in the opposite way.  


Keywords: Online classes. COVID-19. Student behavior. Webcam.


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How to Cite

Peinado, J., Vianna, F. R. P. M., Toczek, J., & Meneghetti, F. K. (2024). The In(ex)troversion of Higher-level Students in Online Classes. EaD Em Foco, 14(1), e2088.



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