Perspectives on Feedback as a Device for Permanence in Distance Education
Distance education, Feedback, Tutor, Teacher, PermanenceAbstract
Distance education is a teaching modality that has been increasingly consolidated at different levels. Thus, problematizing and understanding how the pedagogical processes in Distance Education (EaD) happen is emerging. In this sense, this article presents an excerpt of the broad scope that make up this teaching modality, focusing on feedback as a device for the permanence of students. The objective is to analyze the perspectives of tutors and teachers about feedback as a determining element for student permanence in distance education. To this end, the production of records took place during a training course for tutors at a Brazilian federal university in which distance tutors recorded perspectives and understandings about feedback. The records produced were analyzed from a qualitative perspective, based on Content Analysis (Bardin, 2011), with the reflective-theoretical discussion organized into two sections, one of which addressed the challenges and potential of feedback, and the other section the guidance process from teacher to tutor in the elaboration of feedback. Finally, the study points out that, in the process of pedagogical mediation, the actions of teachers and tutors are complementary and need to be articulated, especially in the feedback elaboration process, in the alignment of evaluative criteria, pedagogical objectives, as well as the issues that pervade the discipline. Such elements impact the interaction and training process of students, tutors and teachers. Thus, feedback is a determining element for the quality and permanence of distance education.
Keywords: Distance education. Feedback. Tutor. Teacher. Permanence.
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