Pedagogical Strategies for the Construction of Socio-Affective Competence of Empathy in Distance Education
Education, Competence, EmpathyAbstract
The article aims to verify the application of pedagogical strategies that are aligned with the construction of the Socio-affective Competence of Empathy in Higher Education in Distance Education courses. A theoretical survey was carried out using publications on the subject and data was collected using a questionnaire addressed to teachers, with open and closed questions, which was analyzed using a likert scale of agreement. The results were assessed using content analysis. After receiving and analyzing the responses, it was found that there is a need for further research to enable teachers to gain greater knowledge about building the Socio-affective Competence of Empathy in Distance Education. However, the results show that teachers are interested and concerned about the subject, as they are attentive to the needs of their students, both collectively and individually. It can also be seen that the pedagogical strategies, even if they are not directly aimed at the Socio-affective Competence of Empathy, in many cases fulfill this function, establishing conditions for students to build knowledge, skills and attitudes in this sense.
Keywords: Education. Competence. Empathy.
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