The Teaching Mediated by WhatsApp: Reflections on Teaching Practices in Elementary School
The Covid-19 Pandemic imposed an huge transformation on the educational context and a new model of teaching and learning. Many teachers challenge themselves in remote classes via instant messaging applications, highlighting the use of WhatsApp. Through this App, teachers have developed teaching and learning relationships, using different strategies, such as vídeos, multimodal texts and audios, which help in remote classes. In this scenary, we carried out this study, which aims to know and analyze the pedagogical practices developed in a 1st year grade of an Elementary School, which takes place by cell phone thru the WhatsApp messaging application. This research is a qualitative nature, using semi-structured interviews and systematic observations of remote classes, during a week in August 2021, in order to build understandings about the teaching practice applied in a Public School in the city of Santana, State of Amapá -Brazil. The result of this analysis carried out, shows that the teaching developed in this class, during the Pandemic period thru remote teaching, is promising in relation to the remote pedagogical practices performed by the teacher, however, it needs other studies and other reflections on the subject.
Keywords: Teaching. Teaching practices. Digital Technologies. WhatsApp.
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