Graduation Students' Perceptions on the Differences between Live and Virtual teaching
This paper analyzed the perception from undergraduate students of the
live modality over the differences related to virtualized synchronous
teaching experienced throughout 2020. The investigation is both
qualitative and descriptive, and it occurred in an institution of High
Education in RS/Brazil. The data was collected through a questionnaire
organized in Google Forms, which was answered by 245 students.
Regarding students' perceptions, it was possible to determine that, in
virtualized teaching, it is not necessary to waste time traveling to the
institution to have classes: students can study in the comfort of their own
homes. There are, however, some issues, such as not finding an
appropriate place to study or not having access to a stable internet
connection. Virtualized synchronous classes make it possible for students
to learn from the comfort of their own homes. Educators become more
available to offer help by using digital resources. It also became easier for
other professionals to dialogue and share experiences with the students. It
was possible, as well, to learn how to make better use of digital resources.
However, in the questionnaire, students highlighted there is more
interaction with the lecturer in live teaching. Furthermore, the students
found it easier to concentrate during classes when being there in person.
Besides, according to the answers, the learning that occurs in practical
lessons is essential to professional training, and these cannot easily be
replaced in a virtualized environment. In conclusion, both virtual and live
teaching present positive aspects regarding the processes of learning and
teaching. Therefore, by using the best of what live and virtual teaching can
offer, hybrid teaching is a valid and possible way to perform High
Keywords: High education. Hybrid education. Virtual classes. Covid-19.
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