Teacher Professional Development for Remote Teaching: the Experience of the Innovation and Curricular Assistance Program (PROIAC) at Universidade Federal Fluminense
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a new reality to higher education demanding changes in pedagogical practices mediated by digital technologies in virtual learning environments. This paper describes and evaluates an online course that aimed at faculty professional development in order to assist them in the adaptation to online teaching combining technological knowledge to pedagogical conceptions. Seven editions of the course have been offered to a total of 360 scholars, whose evaluations have been analysed through both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Results indicate that the course has changed scholars' perceptions on online education and the pedagogical possibilities of digital technology integration. Despite aspects to be improved, such as the course duration and expected workload, the experience has promoted reflection on pedagogical practice and appropriation of digital technologies. This report contributes to the debate in the field of teacher professional development in higher education, especially in the post- pandemic scenario, when the possibilities of digital technologies should be enhanced.
Keywords:Continuing Teacher Professional Development. Higher Education. Online learning. Digital technologies.
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