Spanish Language Teaching Enhanced by Instagram: a Proposal for Digital Interaction and Co-creation in Language Teaching




Spanish language teaching, Social networks, Digital technologies in teaching, OnLIFE education


This qualitative research involved the study of the insertion of the Instagram platform in Spanish Language classes at the Instituto Federal do Amapá. The proposal aimed to analyze the impacts and potential of interaction with the language through the social network in question.With a conceptual basis in the onLIFE education conception and digital technologies for language learning, this research was developed through a didactic sequence with digital co-creation activities between teachers and students through Instagram.The investigation included the participation of 29 students from the Integrated High School class of the Technical Course in Food. For data production, a conversation circle was proposed at the end of the classes, in order to learn about students' perceptions about their experience on digital interaction in language learning. The results allow us to conclude that Instagram presents benefits and potential for the development of linguistic skills in Spanish Language, but that it requires special planning for use in teaching contexts, so that this interaction does not transcend the teacher's work boundaries.


Keywords: Spanish language teaching. Social networks. Digital technologies in teaching. OnLIFE education.


Author Biography

Kári Lúcia Forneck, Universidade do Vale do Taquari

Doutora em Letras pela PUCRS. Docente titular do Programa de P´ós-Graduação em Ensino e dos cursos de Letras e Pedagogia da Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates.


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How to Cite

Forneck, K. L., & Santos, T. C. M. dos. (2025). Spanish Language Teaching Enhanced by Instagram: a Proposal for Digital Interaction and Co-creation in Language Teaching. EaD Em Foco, 15(1), e2343.



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