The State of Knowledge: Blended Learning in Higher Education
Distance education, Semi-presential teaching, Teacher trainingAbstract
Abstract. The aim of this article was to present a state of knowledge about distance education in Brazil, particularly focusing on semi-presential education in the context of Higher Education. To achieve this, guiding questions were developed to direct this study: how are researches dedicating themselves to the topic? What are the approaches and focuses of the studies? The methodological strategy is based on the six-step structure presented by Morosini and Fernandes (2014) regarding the state of knowledge. The data were obtained from searches in the Brazilian academic database, Portal de Periódicos da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). After applying inclusion and exclusion techniques, 25 articles were selected for analysis. Among the
main results obtained, the training of teachers for blended teaching is highlighted as a strategic point for a quality modality. Following this, it is possible to observe the relevance of topics such as methodologies, digital resources, and pedagogical trends that encompass semi-presential teaching in higher education.
Keywords: Distance education. Semi-presential teaching. Teacher training.
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