Hybridization and Education 4.0 – Perspectives for the Future of Distance Learning





Hybrid education, Education 4.0, Future of education


Abstract. As we analyze the prospects for distance education, it becomes evident that the emerging scenario is one of convergence between this educational modality and traditional face-to-face education, resulting in a hybrid educational process. This essay aims to discuss hybrid education as a new educational field, which creates new opportunities for more flexible and personalized teaching and learning. Through a theoretical discussion, we seek to present concepts that connect this methodological approach to the principles of the so-called Education 4.0, which is characterized by the incorporation of the technologies of the 4th Industrial Revolution into the educational process. We conclude that Education 4.0 is a proposal that fully integrates hybrid education, representing a trend for the near future. Furthermore, it creates new spaces that expand the possibilities for the acquisition of knowledge throughout an individual's life.


 Keywords: Hybrid education. Education 4.0. Future of education. 


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How to Cite

Dias, D. A., & Mill, D. (2024). Hybridization and Education 4.0 – Perspectives for the Future of Distance Learning. EaD Em Foco, 14(2), e2245. https://doi.org/10.18264/eadf.v14i2.2245