Pedagogical Possibilities and Limits Oof the Use Of WhatsApp In the Early Years of Elementary School
Teaching, Pedagogical practices, Digital technologies, WhatsAppAbstract
This study addresses the pedagogical possibilities and limits of using the WhatsApp application as a didactic-pedagogical resource in the classes of the 1st Year of Elementary School. It occurred in the context of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, years of 2020 to 2022, where teachers were challenged in online classes. It is a research with a qualitative approach that aimed to identify and analyze pedagogical potentialities of the use of WhatsApp in a class of the 1st Year of Elementary School, in the municipality of Santana-AP. The participants in this investigation were the class teacher and her 24 students. A semi-structured interview and a systematized observation of remote classes were adopted to collect information with the teacher, in the months of August and September 2021, via the WhatsApp class group. A conversation circle was also held with the students. The results enable to affirm that the WhatsApp application presents potentialities to develop innovative pedagogical practices, as it reconfigures the classroom as a place and time, building new teaching and learning processes, helping to develop digital competences. As limits, were identified that the access to the connection by students is unequal; not everyone has a cell phone at home; a 'family mediator' is needed with the student during the class, but the digital illiteracy of some parents makes it difficult to help. In conclusion, the use of WhatsApp with children-students in the construction of knowledge does not replace face-to-face, but expands the possibilities of ways of teaching, establishing it as a didactic-pedagogical resource that can enhance learning.
Keywords: Teaching. Pedagogical practices. Digital technologies. WhatsApp
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