Notáveis Possible Contributions of the Photomath Application to Error Analysis in the Study on Notable Products




Photomath app, Mathematics teaching, Notable products, Error analysis


This study emerged from the dialogue with students on the content of notable products, when the Photomath App was pointed out as a resource to solve mathematical activities proposed by teachers in emergency remote teaching. In view of this, the present teaching experience report aims to investigate the possible contributions of the Photomath App to the analysis of errors in solving mathematical problems by students of the 9th grade of Elementary School. The data presented here have as subjects 21 students of the 9th year of a state public school in a municipality in the metropolitan region of Curitiba and follows, as a methodology, the qualitative approach. Therefore, the study was developed in four Mathematics classes, separated into five moments that involved from filling out the initial questionnaire to the analysis of the error committed in solving problems with registration in a final report, using the Photomath App as a tool. The initial conclusions showed that in emergency remote teaching, the need for access to digital resources arose in the search to remedy learning difficulties of some content, reverberating in the return to school the use of these. The Photomath App emerges as an ally to the analysis of errors in problem solving in order to become a means for mathematical learning mediated by a technology.  


Keywords: Photomath app. Error analysis. Notable products. Mathematics teaching.


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How to Cite

Almeida, S. R. M. de, Grosskopf, A. L., & Motta, M. S. (2023). Notáveis Possible Contributions of the Photomath Application to Error Analysis in the Study on Notable Products. EaD Em Foco, 13(1), e2009.



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