Remote Learning: Student's Perceptions and Challenges




In 2020, the social distance imposed by the new coronavirus pandemic culminated in remote learning (RL) emergency as a strategy for study continuation despite the current health adversity. In this scenario, this article's objective is to report undergraduate health students' perceptions of RT in a Public Federal University in Rio de Janeiro and to understand the characteristics of this model from the student's view. Thus, content analysis of posts made on digital walls was performed on three disciplines carried out during the academic semesters of 2020/1 and 2020/2. As a result, students were exhausted and overloaded due to synchronous on-line lectures and many activities and tests. Additionally, the lack of teacher preparation, difficulty organizing study time and personal life, difficulty in digital access, the use of Digital Information and Communication Technology (DICT), and the teacher-student relationship were reported. Given the reports, it is noticed that the RT implemented was characterized by the transposition of face-to-face practices to the virtual environment, distancing itself mostly from on-line learning practices. On the other hand, we highlight that the student's report is essential for planning hybrid or entirely on-line courses so that DICT can be used to promote quality, accessible, interactive, and collaborative on-line education.

Keywords: Remote learning. Digital information and communication technology. Mental health.


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How to Cite

Uen, L. S., Macedo, F. dos S., Gonçalves, L. F., & Fernandes-Santos, C. (2022). Remote Learning: Student’s Perceptions and Challenges. EaD Em Foco, 12(3), e1907.