Interaction Using Collaborative Teaching Strategies in Emergency Online Teaching




This article shows the importance of applying didactic strategies using web applications to promote learning through interaction in virtual learning environments (VLE). Thid study was to investigate the interaction from the use of didactic strategies as elements to promote knowledge among the subjects of the educational process in the period of emergency online education (EOE). It presents an experience report with the use of VLE Teams and web applications such as Mentimeter and Cmap Cloud, used in the pedagogical practice of the curricular components of the higher courses of the Federal Institute of Bahia (IFBA), Campus Santo Antônio de Jesus (SAJ) during the EOE. Based on a webgraphic research and from reports of experiences promoted with the EOE, the study results showed: the relevance of technical and pedagogical knowledge of the applications used in teaching strategies by the teacher, the importance of promoting interaction in synchronous and asynchronous moments and the benefits to the learning promoted by using Mentimeter and Cmap Cloud in conjunction with Teams.

Keywords:Emergency online teaching. Didactic strategies. Interaction


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How to Cite

Pereira, F., Mercado, L. P. L., & Costa, C. J. de S. A. (2022). Interaction Using Collaborative Teaching Strategies in Emergency Online Teaching. EaD Em Foco, 12(2), e1723.



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