Virtual Museums: the People's Museum in the Construction of Historical and Geographical Knowledge by Children in Times of the Covid-19 Pandemic
The main objective of this work is to discuss how virtual museums, especially the Museum of the Person's, can be used by teachers, in times of the Covid-19 Pandemic, in didactic actions in the subjects of History and Geography in the 4th year of Elementary School. This is a purposeful study, resulting from bibliographic and exploratory research, with a qualitative-interpretative approach, for which the social and cultural transformations and permanences (History) and the cultural diversity of Brazilian regions (Geography) were established as clippings of contents, proposed by the BNCC for the 4th year of Elementary School, which can be worked by the teacher, through the collections of stories of the Museu da Pessoa, incorporating investigative procedures in the area of "‹"‹History and Geography. It was found that the life stories and images of people from different regions of Brazil, which constitute the Museum of the Person collection, can be used by teachers to work on this knowledge in a contextualized way with their reality with children. Therefore, the Museum of the Person's can contribute to the didactic actions of the teacher, in times of the Covid-19 Pandemic, in view of the construction of knowledge and the development of historical and geographical thinking by children in the 4th year of Elementary School.
Keywords: Virtual museums. Museum of the person. Historical and geographic knowledge. Didactic actions. Kid.
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