E-Learning and Digital Limitations. Analysis of Scientific Production Indicators Between 2004 and 2021
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, there was a need for other ways of living due to social isolation. The processes of teaching e-learning (not in person) supported by digital technologies has become an alternative. This article aims to analyze the indicators of global scientific production about digital limitations in E-learning teaching. In this sense, a search for scientific productions was carried out in the period from 2004 to 2021 that deal with the theme of digital limitation. From the refinement of the search, 375 works were defined that will be discussed in this article. From the analysis, the indicators of this production are presented, with emphasis on Taiwan, and a theoretical conversation about the types of non-face-to-face education, worked as: Distance education; Face-to-face education supported by ICT; Face-to-face education with 20% of its operationalization at a distance; and remote emergency education (Covid-19)
Keywords: Non-classroom teaching. Digital limitation. Scientific production. Bibliometrics.
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