We Are not Robots: the Affectivity as a Pedagogical Process in Secondary Elementary School during Remote Classes
The technological phenomenon, especially the innovation of the internet, has put the traditional teaching-learning process in check, since the school has become just one of the ways of conveying knowledge. Today, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic, the need to adapt to remote learning is imperative. In this article, we intend to reflect on the affectivity as a pedagogical process, addressing the consequences of the impact of online classes on the teacher-student relationship. As methodology, we use semi-structured interviews to analyze the report of three teachers who work in the final years of elementary school in public schools in Rio de Janeiro. As a result, we found that the difficulties in relation to students' access to technology and also their insufficient digital literacy hinder the proximity between teachers and students in remote classes and, consequently, the pedagogical process imbued with affectivity.
Keywords: Technology. Pedagogical process. Student-teacher relationship. Remote learning. Affectivity
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