Determinants of E-learning Evasion Scale (DEES): Proposal and Validation




There is a trend for e-learning courses. However, with this trend, there are also high evasion indices in those courses, which is a challenge for institutions' managing and efficiency. Therefore, it is of high importance to understand why students evade from e-learning courses. Taking this into account, this study had the objective of propose and validate the Determinants of E-learning Evasion Scale (DEES). We assessed 520 students that have evaded from undergraduate and graduate e-learning courses from the Federal University of Santa Maria. We assessed the dimensionality of the scale using confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis. The original version of the DEES scale comprised 52 items. In addition, item quality was analyzed using a multidimensional item response theory model. The models indicated, in general, good items in the DEES scale. Results suggests that the DEES is mainly composed by two dimensions, one relating to support to learning, and the other to personal conditions during study. The first dimension comprised items that highlight the support of the presential teacher in face of the student's ideas, the feedback and guidance provided by the online teacher, and the perceived knowledge of the online teacher about the course content. In the second dimension, the most important items comprised the time available for studying, the number of work-related commitments/tasks, and the changes in the work routine during the e-course.

Keywords: Evasion. E-learning. Scale. Psychometric assessment.


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Author Biography

Pedro Saulo Rocha Martins, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Programa de pós-graduação Psicologia: Cognição e Comportamento, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


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How to Cite

Vieira, K. M., Martins, P. S. R., Bender Filho, R., & Moreira Júnior, F. de J. (2020). Determinants of E-learning Evasion Scale (DEES): Proposal and Validation. EaD Em Foco, 10(2).



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