The Pedagogical Singularity of Blended Learning




This paper aims to demonstrate the pedagogical uniqueness of Blended Learning, considering the respective theoretical discussions, as recorded in the literature. Moreover, as it deals with the construction of theoretical and methodological options for the construction of a pedagogy that is unique only to Blended Learning, which makes it distinct from both face-to-face and distance learning, then the research method adopted was the of bibliographic review. The justification that motivated our research was the finding of countless controversies involving the subject, to the point that there is no unanimity about what is Blended Learning, what is not. In the end, this research allowed us to deduce that what distinguishes hybrid teaching is its pedagogy, which converges the face-to-face environment to the virtual one inseparably, from pedagogical actions that, in order to be finalized, require activities in these two environments.

Keywords: Blended. Learning. Singularity. Pedagogical.


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Author Biography

Jorge Maurí­cio da Silva Brito, Secretaria de Estado da Educação do Amapá (SEED/AP)

Professor da Secretaria de Educação do Estadodo Amapá

CEO da AMAPATECH, Tecnologias Educacionais Inteligentes, especialista em Plataformas Moodle

Licenciado e Bacharel em Quí­mica (UFPA, UNIVEN)

Especialista em Gestão Escolar (FATECH)

Especializado em Gestão e Docência na Educação à Distância (PROMINAS)



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How to Cite

Brito, J. M. da S. (2020). The Pedagogical Singularity of Blended Learning. EaD Em Foco, 10(1).



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