Territory and Deterritorialization: EaD at the State University of Western Paraná
The intention of this research is to present the Distance Education Center of the State University of the West of Paraná, located in the city of Cascavel - Paraná, discussing the route for its implementation. The scenario will be contextualized and how the local deployment process for the creation of NEaDUNI was and is being considered and occurring. The discussion is based on theories and ways of conceiving and thinking about teaching and learning, as well as new and other experiments and challenges, in the form of teaching, learning and deterritorialization of established territories. For the theoretical basis we used several authors, such as Deleuze and Guattari, Gallo, Dal Molin, Motter, Dans and Vitkowski, as well as national documents of Distance Education and the said University.
Keywords: Distance Education. State University of Western Paraná. Territory. Deterritorialization.
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