Education for the Digital Age: Challenges for Teachers in Using Digital Technologies in High School
Basic education, Technological resources, Teaching practiceAbstract
Abstract. Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICT) are important tools that have been evolving over time, in the educational environment they have become an important methodological resource, innovating the education system. Therefore, the objective of this study was to analyze the teaching practice in High School regarding the use of Digital Information and Communication Technologies as didactic-pedagogical resources in the classroom. Qualitative research was carried out, characterized as a case study, where data were collected through the application of a semi-structured questionnaire to six teachers from a public school, located in a municipality in the State of Maranhão, Brazil. Data analysis followed the principles of Content Analysis proposed by Bardin (2019). The results indicate that there is an effort on the part of teachers to try to make use of DICT in teaching practice even though they do not have enough digital skills and tools. In view of this, there is a need to implement public policies that promote activities that help teachers and their training in the use of digital technologies, in an innovative, appropriate, and mainly effective way for quality education.
Keywords: Basic education. Teaching practice. Technological resources.
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