Identification of Social and Affective Aspects of Socio-Affective Competence Resilience of Students in Higher Education in a Virtual Learning Environment




Resilience, Socio-affective competences, Higher education, Virtual learning environment


The aim of this paper is to identify the social and affective aspects of the socio-affective competence resilience of higher education students in a virtual learning environment. Adapting to new environments and emotional and social demands make evident the need for students to construct socio-affective competences in the face of academic adversities. However, it is essential to investigate what are the social and affective aspects that can impact on construction of student resilience. To achieve this purpose, an assessment was conducted with experts in socio-affective competences, covering 119 items from seven scales and questionnaires of resilience, along with an elements set of knowledge, skills and attitudes with this competence. Thus, the findings revealed the importance of affective and social aspects: confidence, effort, excited, enthusiasm, interest, serenity, accomplishment, hope, satisfied, pride, openness, independence and collaboration. Therefore, these results provide a comprehensive view of the aspects that can influence the construction of socio-affective competence, particularly resilience, emphasizing the interconnection of these indicators and their importance for students to face the adversities arising from the relationships established in the virtual learning environment.  


Keywords: Higher education. Virtual learning environment. Socio-affective competences. Resilience. 


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How to Cite

Vivian, R. L., Machado, L. S. R., & Behar, P. A. (2024). Identification of Social and Affective Aspects of Socio-Affective Competence Resilience of Students in Higher Education in a Virtual Learning Environment. EaD Em Foco, 14(1), e2269.



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