Instrument for User Experience Assessment in Distance Higher Education Services
Service design, User experience, Higher distance educationAbstract
Considering the expansion of Higher Distance Education (ESaD) and the need for its evaluation through validated instruments, this research sought to propose an instrument aimed at measuring the User Experience (Ux) of such services. The research is characterized as applied, qualiquantitative, exploratory and descriptive, being composed of (I) Theoretical stage (mapping of dimensions and Ux factors); (II) Definition of the pilot instrument (mapping of personas and experience map, definition of the construct and pilot model, validation of the content with specialists (n=8) and users (n=12) and (III) Validation (application of the instrument (n=181), factor analysis and internal consistency). As a result, the EASE-Ux (User Experience E-Learning Service Assessment Scale) was proposed, consisting of 31 items divided into the dimensions of Central Elements (items related to the hub's technological structure, Tutoring, Disciplines and content, Didactic material and Final image) and Support elements (items related to Communication, Processes, Technology, Support, Physical structure of the pole and Preview image). Validity and reliability analyzes allow us to say that the instrument concisely measures the construct and can provide data aimed at improving the service. The study also contributes to the Ux and services literature, opening possibilities for new related research.
Keywords: Service design. Higher distance education. User experience.
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