Engineering Education in a Non-In-Person Context: Podcasts, Active Learning and the Online Education Approach




Engineering education, Online education, Podcast, Pandemic


 The present work is the result of actions carried out in a Production Engineering course at an educational institution in Brazil, involving subjects that were structured for application in the context of Emergency Remote Education, during the period of the covid-19 pandemic. The objective of the article is to analyze the didactic proposal that, based on the principles of online education, was inspired by Team Based Learning for the development of digital media - podcasts - as a teaching-learning model that departs from more traditional perspectives. The research is bibliographic and exploratory, developed through a case study that involves previously existing relationships and factors. The disciplines were organized into synchronous and asynchronous moments, with individual and team tasks. The students held discussions to create podcasts based on scientific articles and were also encouraged to actively participate in their learning assessment process. It was possible to conclude that the model discussed boosts active learning, through the development of authorial activities in teams, improving students' critical thinking and creativity. The relevance of this study stands out beyond the period of Emergency Remote Teaching as the model moves away from a content transmission perspective and considers the requirements brought by the new National Curricular Guidelines for Engineering. Furthermore, it applies to face-to-face and non-face-to-face education contexts, contributing to the need to reflect on the teaching-learning processes mediated by technology in these courses in Brazil. 


Keywords: Engineering education. Online education. TBL. Podcast. Pandemic. 


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How to Cite

Santos, C. M. dos, Assumpção, G. de S., & Castro, A. de C. (2024). Engineering Education in a Non-In-Person Context: Podcasts, Active Learning and the Online Education Approach. EaD Em Foco, 14(2), e2159.