Blended Learning: a Case Study About the Experiences Lived by Teachers and Students of Higher Level Courses at a Public Institution of the Federal Network




Distance education, Digital technologies, Higher education, Blended learning


It is irrefutable that the pandemic caused by Covid-19 has had major impacts on society as a whole. Concerning the educational field, Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDIC) were suddenly incorporated through emergency remote teaching which, a posteriori, occasionally opened space for hybrid experiences. Hybrid teaching or blended learning is pointed out as the biggest educational trend for this century, considering that it is not limited to a single mode, time and space, in addition, DICT can be great allies to the teaching-learning process (Staker; Horn, 2015); (Bacich; Moran, 2018). Given this, considering the time frame of the health crisis, specifically the 2021.2 and 2022.1 semesters, the general objective of this study is to analyze the potentialities and limitations related to the application of blended learning in higher education courses at a public institution in the federal network. For this, two specific objectives were traced: (i) characterize the pedagogical practices implemented, through blended teaching, strictly considering the aforementioned academic semesters; (ii) identify potentialities and limitations related to blended learning, in the perceptions of professors and students at the investigated institution. Regarding the applied methodology, it has a mixed approach, being in the initial qualitative phase and later quantitative, in addition it is a research of applied nature, characterized as a case study. It is noteworthy that this work comes from a master's degree research, in which it was possible to map the potentialities and limitations experienced by students and teachers with the implementation of blended learning, reflect and discuss them from the published scientific foundations and, above all, bring results that make it possible to generate changes and improvements to the educational process.


Keywords: Distance education. Higher education. Digital technologies. Blended learning.



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How to Cite

Silva, F. F. da, & Larré, J. M. R. G. de M. (2024). Blended Learning: a Case Study About the Experiences Lived by Teachers and Students of Higher Level Courses at a Public Institution of the Federal Network. EaD Em Foco, 14(1), e2072.



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