Cognitive Styles and Learning Strategies of Students of a Degree in Computing in the Modality of Distance Education
Cognitive styles, Learning strategies, Distance educationAbstract
This paper presents a discussion about the cognitive styles and learning strategies of a group of students of a Bachelor's Degree in Computing, taught in the Distance Education modality. In the General Didactics discipline, students responded to an instrument, which establishes the dominant cognitive styles of each student. In addition, each student, through a discussion forum, presented their learning strategies, especially in the context of EaD. Ten of the twenty-seven students enrolled in the course participated in the forum. Of the ten participating students, four were included in the reflective style and the same number in the divergent style. Two students were classified as a convergent style and one student had a cognitive style classified as holist, as well as one student as serialist. The sum of students here is greater than the ten participants, as a student can have more than one dominant style. The research methodology adopted was qualitative, based on content analysis. As the course is taught in the EaD modality, with mostly asynchronous activities, students need to establish a study routine, so that they can follow the classes and activities. Among the study strategies, most students highlighted video lessons as a way to deepen their knowledge. In addition, students highlighted the importance of seeking additional sources of study, as well as combining theory and practice.
Keywords: Cognitive styles. Learning strategies. Distance education.
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