#TurnTheCameraOn: Rio de Janeiro Pedagogy Students’ Reports on Video Conferencing Meetings
Cyberculture, Pandemic, Video conference, EducationAbstract
This experience report discusses statements written in March 2022 by Pedagogy students from a public institution in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The statements provided a pathway for us to reflect on the possible reasons that lead to the low participation of undergraduate students in videoconferences and to their choice of turning cameras off. By actively listening to those students, we sought to understand the reasons behind the many black squares with names and no faces that populated our online video meetings during the pandemic. The responses given by the undergraduates showed that the act of not “turning cameras on” is, in fact, the tip of the iceberg of more complex social issues. Observing the reality of those students showed us the need to closely analyze socioeconomic issues in a country that continues to face serious problems such as digital exclusion, even when the pandemic taught us how the Internet has been central to everyday life. There are already digital interfaces that guarantee the construction of a shared learning, therefore, the current focus should be on supporting digital inclusion policies that allow more Brazilians to fully experience digital communication.
Keywords: Cyberculture. Pandemic. Video conference. Education.
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