The Pedagogical Images of Distance Learning: a Brief Analysis on Reflections of Educators' Memories from Educommunication

un breve análisis de reflexiones sobre las memorias de educadores desde la educomunicación




Technologies, Imaginary, Memoirs


This article focuses on a perception of the imaginary from the perspective of authors Durand (2011), Pitta (2005) and Silva (2003), which will address the issues that guide the pedagogical images of this work. Educommunication ideas are also anchored in the Approaches of Soares (2011), which contributes to problematize the characterization of distance learning through the memories used in the context of teacher training of educators within the virtual world. Therefore, methodologically, a bibliographic and exploratory research was carried out, supported by the methods used by Gil (2002). Thus, the article intends to present, through the imaginary and educommunicational bias, the dialogue of teachers who deal with distance learning practices, to demystify the use of technologies and to consider them as facilitators in the teaching and learning processes.


Keywords: Education. Teaching. Technologies. Imaginary. Memoirs.


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How to Cite

Silva, W. M. da, & Machado , M. M. (2023). The Pedagogical Images of Distance Learning: a Brief Analysis on Reflections of Educators’ Memories from Educommunication: un breve análisis de reflexiones sobre las memorias de educadores desde la educomunicación. EaD Em Foco, 13(1), e1999.



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