Professional and Technological Education and Problem-Based Learning (Pbl) in Hybrid and Distance Education: a Systematic Review
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have enabled improvements and an increase in the offer of Distance Education (DE). Problem-Based Learning (PBL) has been shown to be effective, mainly because it allows students to get closer to real situations experienced by professionals, an important characteristic for Professional and Technological Education (PTE). There is no data in the current literature on how much PBL has been applied to PTE whereby distance education or hybrid education. This research, through a systematic review, aims to fill this gap. It became evident that there are few publications on this topic, leaving the question open as to whether this is due to the low adherence to PBL or if the experiences and investigations in this field have not been widely disseminated.
Keywords: Problem-based learning. Distance learning. Hybrid teaching. Professional and technological education.
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