Distance Learning Paths of Geography Teachers at UFRN
Distance education, . Undergraduate in geographyAbstract
The study is outlined by the fact that in recent years Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have contributed to the growth of Distance Education (EAD). From this scenario, legal government actions emerged that strengthened and boosted the teacher training policy. In this context, the article exposes the teacher training policy in the distance education modality in Brazil and, finally, enters the main objective of the article: to analyze the itineraries of the insertion of the Degree in Geography at a distance at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). The methodology used was to arry out qualitative and quantitative research on government websites, electronic journals and scientific articles to build the theoretical foundation. As a conclusion of the study, it was found that the legal bases strengthened the technological implementation, providing a significant increase in the number of professors trained by UFRN, mainly due to the capillarity of the offer of courses and the relevant convenience provided by ICT for undergraduates who graduated from distance.
Keywords: Distance education. Information and communication technologies. Undergraduate in geography.
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