Practices and Possibilities of Multiliteracy Mediated by Digital Platforms: an Analysis of the Yousician Music Learning Digital Platform




Digital platforms, Multiliteracies, Music learning interactive-digital, Virtual genre


This article analyzes the Yousician music learning digital platform from the perspective of textual genre theory, according to Marcuschi (2002) and multiliteracies, in the light of Cope and Kalantzis (2009). The rise of digital platforms has contributed to the emergence of several interactive-digital music learning services, making us reflect on the possibilities existing in these cyberspaces of musical practices. From an exploratory research, the parameters of identification of genres in the virtual environment of Marcuschi (2002) and the categories of multimodality of Cope and Kalantzis (2009) were used to situate Yousician as a digital platform for the construction of meanings and practices. The results achieved allowed us to understand that the multiliteracies practices of Yousician users transgress the system's programmed instructions and articulate other cybercontexts, to compensate for the educational, linguistic, technological, and temporal limitations of the digital platform. The results also highlighted the different roles assumed by users as learners, mediators, and collaborators in the construction of networked knowledge.


Keywords: Digital platforms. Multimodality. Multiliteracies. virtual genre. Music learning interactive-digital.


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How to Cite

Araújo, J. M. de M., Junqueira, E. S., & Barros David, P. (2023). Practices and Possibilities of Multiliteracy Mediated by Digital Platforms: an Analysis of the Yousician Music Learning Digital Platform. EaD Em Foco, 13(1), e1953.



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