Teacher Training for Distance Learning: an Analysis Considering the Knowledge Domains of the TPACK Model
Educação a distância, Tecnologias de informação e comunicação, Conhecimento tecnológico pedagógico do conteúdo, TPACKAbstract
The Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge framework seeks to understand the knowledge base necessary for teachers to properly integrate technologies into their practices.
Therefore, this research investigates the contributions of TPACK as a theoretical framework for teacher training programs in the area of Distance Education (DE). The impact of a specialization course focused on teaching in distance education, offered by a Brazilian public higher education institution, was verified in the self-assessment of the TPACK knowledge of course participants, postgraduate students from one of the public universities associated with this institution, in the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in their teaching practices. A quantitative approach was chosen, with the application of a questionnaire with 41 items, built and validated exclusively for the study. The results show that the participants (1) consider the training obtained as satisfactory; (2) show the highest levels of confidence in the content knowledge construct and its intersections; (3) feel more comfortable using the technology to do science rather than teaching and (4) have their ages as the only sociodemographic data that influences TPACK significantly.
Keywords: Distance education. Information and communication technologies. Technological pedagogical content knowledge. TPACK.
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